Gochman Family Collection

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Tyrrell Tapaha
I'll be your mirror2024

George Morrison (Grand Portage Ojibwe) 

Wendy Red Star (Apsáalooke (Crow)) 
Spotted Arrow, Dúusbachee (Kiowa), 1881, Walter Lowrie Finley, "In the Spirit of Green Skin"2021

Wendy Red Star (Apsáalooke (Crow)) 
Walking Weasel, Bad Eye, Dúusbachee (Kiowa), 1873, Fairbanks Museum, "In the Spirit of Green Skin"2021

Wendy Red Star (Apsáalooke (Crow)) 
Otter Woman Medicine, Jaw-Amidon, Akbaléaashíipasku (Lakota), 1900, Warnock Collection, "In the Spirit of Green Skin" 2021

Wendy Red Star (Apsáalooke (Crow)) 
Bad Belly, Alappahú (Arapaho), 1880s, Hood Museum of Art, "In the Spirit of Green Skin"2021

Wendy Red Star (Apsáalooke (Crow)) 
Sings in the Sweetgrass, Akbaléaashíipasku (Lakota), 1880, Thaw Collection, "In the Spirit of Green Skin" 2021

Jessie Oonark (Inuk) 
Woman with Ulusc. 1978

Doris Peshlakai (Diné) 
Navajo Jewelry Pictorialc. 1970

Beau Dick (Kwakwaka’wakw, Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw First Nation) 
POOK-MIS MASK (Spirit of the Nearly Drowned)1989

Beau Dick (Kwakwaka’wakw, Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw First Nation) 
Crooked Beak1994

Beau Dick (Kwakwaka’wakw, Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw First Nation) 
Hamat'sa Bear Headdressc.1998

Kimberly Fulton Orozco (Kaigani Haida, Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Yahkw Laanaas/Jaanaas Brown Bear & Dogfish Houses) 
Insecure Mix / Survivance Story 24. For Xáagaas, My Wild Darling (If I didn’t live through it, I couldn’t be telling you about it now // gam dii Xíinangaa aang waas dluu gam wed Gahl dlangk gyaehlándaa hlingáa’anggan)2023

Sydney Akagi (Tlingit) 
Chilkat Concentric Figure Hair Piece2021

Sydney Akagi (Tlingit) 
Ravenstail Set2021

Sydney Akagi (Tlingit) 
Long Chilkat Pendant, Green and Blue

Sydney Akagi (Tlingit) 
Chilkat Collar2021

Cheif Henry Speck Sr. (Kwakwaka’wakw) 
Gikumi - Chief with Beaverhead Gear

Cheif Henry Speck Sr. (Kwakwaka'wakw) 

Sydney Akagi (Tlingit) 
Aichunk Variation Robe2024

Rachel Martin​ (Tlingit/ Tsaagweidei, Killer Whale Clan, of the Yellow Cedar House (Xaai Hit’) Eagle Moiety) 
Hú áwé awsikóo (that one knows)2023

Rachel Martin​ (Tlingit/ Tsaagweidei, Killer Whale Clan, of the Yellow Cedar House (Xaai Hit’) Eagle Moiety) 
Culture Bear(er) Flex2024

Rachel Martin​ (Tlingit/ Tsaagweidei, Killer Whale Clan, of the Yellow Cedar House (Xaai Hit’) Eagle Moiety) 
Bubbleyum Babybreath2023

Manuel Hernandez Sanchez (Displaced Nahau descendant) 
Unrecognized Exchange2023

Hollis Chito (Mississippi, Choctaw, Laguna, Pueblo, Isleta Pueblo) 
Napakanli Um Okla Imma (Flowers for My Family)2023

Darby Raymond-Overstreet  (Diné / Navajo Nation) 
Woven Landscape: Shiprock2017

Darby Raymond-Overstreet  (Diné / Navajo Nation) 
Woven Landscape: Monument Valley2022

Quill Bill (Oglala and Sicangu Lakota) 
Unkcegila ~ Lakota Dentalium Horse Mask2023

Christy Ruby (Tlingit Eagle) 
“Raven/Eagle Sea Otter Vest”2023

Alexa Ray Day
Beaded medallion necklace

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